
Monday, February 27, 2012

INSPIRED: Reusing Your Luxe Boxes

hi everyone,
so as mentioned in my last post, i wanted to show you what i have done with my 3 Luxe Boxes that i have received from Loose Button.
i never really sit down and decide to make something (besides sewing a few things here and there), so this little arts and crafts project made me *extremely excited*. i showed the finished project to my boyfriend over Facetime and the minute my sister walked through the door. both thought i was bouncing around a little too much.
anyway, before i show you what i was so excited about, i'd like to mention a few blogs that gave me the ideas to start reusing my boxes (2 of them are in French so i had to translate it). Many thanks to:
Crystal Candy Makeup (she used Glymm boxes and her idea is much more complicated but so pretty; thinking of doing this later too)
Canadian Coupon Mom (guest blogger on the Loose Button blog)

arts and crafts time!
aside from the 3 Luxe Boxes (2 black, 1 red), i also used:
* scissors, ruler, tape, pen
* double-sided tape (came in a pack of 3; purchased at Dollarama; $1.00)
* white shoelaces (there were actually 2 packs in here, but i took 1 out; purchased at Dollar Giant; $1.25)

first, what i did to each box was slide it out and took apart one of the sides. you can only do that to two of the sides and you would be able to tell which ones because the other two are glued down. you just put your fingers between the bottom of the box and the side and pull it out.
next i measured where i wanted to put the the shoelaces (which i am using for handles). i marked the spots with a pen and then used scissors to puncture the small holes.
pulling the shoelaces through, i'll tie a knot at one end, measure how much i'd want for the handle part, tie another knot at the other end, tape the area right behind the knot so that the shoelaces does not start to fray and then cut.
when that is done and you are trying to put the side back together, make sure the little piece i have highlighted nicely for you is not bent. i was confused as to why the box wouldn't look right but ta da! it will save you some frustration.

after doing this to all 3 boxes, i put double-sided tape on the top of one box and started building my little storage box from there.

this is what it looked like:

YAY! but i didn't stop there. with the nice Flare box on top, i decided to add some flair (does anyone get my humor??). while i was at Dollar Giant, i also found this pretty "Deco-Borders" thing intended for scrapbooking ($1.25). yes, i thought it was super pretty but it was a PAIN to work with!

it is self-adhesive so i thought okay, easy to use. but no, that means, trying to unstick your fingers constantly while trying to lay the "Flocked" sticker just right. i couldn't get it to lay straight for the longest time. this part probably took me about an hour. seriously!
anyway, after all that mess:

i am very happy with the results. :)
i decided to start throwing in the products i have received from the 3 companies. Luxe Boxes are not very high so i used it for only the smaller products. right now, the bottom drawer is for face products, middle is lip products and the top is all other makeup-related products.

let me know what you did with your boxes! (especially for Topbox; right now i am just storing all the tissue paper and crinkled paper i get from the boxes so i can use it for gift wrapping in the future)


  1. Thats so cute! Reminds me of my piles of shoedazzle boxes lol

  2. Really nice! Love the side designs!

  3. Thank you so much for giving credit to me! I appreciate it a lot!

    I didn't know how to make something special with my Luxe Box, that red tape looks so great, I have to find it!

    I just subscribed to your blog. :)

  4. This is awesome!! I'm so happy there's an excuse to keep all these cute boxes, they're too adorable to be thrown out! haha

    Chic and Unique

  5. REALLY cute! I'm expecting my first box next month and I need to remember this for when my collection grows... It would be perfect for all of my little things littering the washroom :)

    1. thanks! i hope you enjoy loose button - are you subscribed to any other subscription boxes too?

  6. These are sooo cute! I really wish I kept all my boxes :(


thank you for reading! i appreciate your feedback and i read them all!
have a fantastic day :)