
Thursday, April 26, 2012

GLYMM BOX: April 2012

my Glymm box arrived Monday and it was super lightweight. is the label correct?? it stated 30 g. my Glossybox last month weighed 700 g..
also i've never received a white cardboard box before - it's usually pink. don't think that was really noteworthy but here is a picture anyway!

before receiving the box, i already knew the general consensus regarding the box's contents was that it was disappointing.
let's get started with April's samples:

1) Lucia Soap No. 6 - this is a very small piece of soap. the scent and size reminds me of hotel soaps. i've tested it just once but overall, this product is not very intriguing to me.
i took a picture comparing it with a regular sized soap.

size: 25 g
retail value: $17.50 (8 soaps of the same size - 25 g each) or $10 (per 165 g soap according to the Glymm website; for comparison purposes, the Dove soap is 90 g and when you buy them, they come in like packages of 3 so this Lucia one is quite pricey in my book)

2) Atelier Cologne Orange Sanguine Fragrance - this itty bitty perfume sample came with a postcard which is a cute idea. the perfume smelled exactly like its name - i have never smelled perfume that was exactly like oranges. it is very different and interesting! i've smelled citrus scents before but this is very very orange-y. i don't know how else to explain it. haha.
size: unknown - average perfume vial sample
retail value: $60 (30 mL); $165 (200 mL) - i believe this is a tad more expensive than most other brands...

3) Free Your Mane Sulfate Free Hydrating Shampoo & Conditioner - can't say i have tried this just yet since i heard that someone on Facebook had a massive reaction to it. i'm generally not very sensitive to these things (except when i was younger I had a reaction to Lubriderm). i decided to take it slow and just try the Lucia soap out first.
also, what is with the tiniest sample sizes in this box? with these shampoo/conditioner samples, i believe that to be regarded as "deluxe size" there should be more than one use. as mentioned before about these samples, i dislike the packaging.
size: 7.4 mL each (14.8 mL total)
retail value: $16 (300 mL)

4) Mai Couture Social Gloss in "G'Vinity" - so hooray, another lip product. i honestly cannot keep up! my first impression of the gloss color was not a good one. i thought it looked very white and would only wash me out. i checked out some other blogs and found that many people got some really nice colors. however, i'd have to admit, once i tried it, i actually liked it. it is SUPER sparkly and gives my lips a pearly sheen. sometimes it catches the light and looks sort of blue though.
and, this is quite the expensive lipgloss!

size: 5 mL (full size!)
retail value: $28

5) *bonus* NuMe $100 Gift Card - soooo this gift certificate definitely bumps the box up a notch since i was not delighted by the majority of the items. i thought the $100 was super generous until i went to the site and found that all the items you can purchase are over $100 and shipping to Canada costs $15. plus, the exact  "4 play" set on the NuMe website can be found at Winners - my sister bought me one for Christmas and the only 2 differences are that 1) there is no "NuMe" label on the hair curler and 2) it cost $49.99.

i agree with many of you out there: i think this was Glymm's most disappointing box. is it just me or do some "beauty" box subscription services throw in one actual makeup product and a bunch of cheaper products such as perfume samples, shampoo samples and lotions? i apologize if i sound greedy but in all honesty, the Free Your Mane samples cost $0.79. my favorite product would be the Mai Couture gloss and i find the Orange Sanguine perfume quite nice.
one more month until i have had subscribed to Glymm for half a year. i think it is about decision time!


  1. I got the same items as you, just a different gloss color! There's nothing very "deluxe" sized about the I agree, pretty disappointing. I'm not even bothering to write an unboxing post. So glad it was my last Glymm box :\

    1. did you enjoy the gloss? i wouldn't pay $28 for them but i was wondering if they are pigmented.
      and good for you for unsubscribing :) i think next month will be my last one. definitely can't afford to subscribe to so many!


thank you for reading! i appreciate your feedback and i read them all!
have a fantastic day :)