
Tuesday, September 04, 2012

POLISHED: tokidoki Nail Confetti/Nail Sticker in "Savana"

in my recent post about ordering online from Sephora, i mentioned getting a few tokidoki items. two of these items were the tokidoki nail confetti/nail stickers. the polish comes wrapped in plastic with a few nail art stickers (6 if you count the hearts separately). i like how they call it nail confetti since it describes exactly how this is like fun in a bottle.

today's post would be about the color "Savana" (12 mL) which is mostly gold micro-glitter with some pink.

it is the pink that completely sold me because the combination looks so amazing together. sadly, i was not able to capture it on my nails using my camera!! i paid $6 which i believe is already a sale price, but they are now on for $4 if you can still find them at Sephora!

one coat was already nice but i wanted a party on my nails so i went for two.
the surface of the nail feels rough afterwards so i'd recommend a topcoat to smooth it over. the topcoat also helps to protect the polish from chipping which i found happens easily for glitter polishes like this one. the chips tend to be large and on the side of the nail. if you have a topcoat (and you need a thick layer of it), the polish will last for much longer but without one, the chipping happens within the day.

for some odd reason, my camera does not like to focus on the micro-glitters. i really really love the polish though. i am glad i was able to pick it up before Sephora stopped carrying them completely. being the smart hoarder i am, i also bought another color ("Stellina") that i will show you in the near future!


  1. What a glitter bomb! Totally a colour I would get (or already have...?)

    1. haha jayne - you and your tremendous nail polish collection! if only i had that problem and "forgot" what colors i have (though i feel like i am actually on the verge)


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have a fantastic day :)