
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

SPOTLIGHT: Yummy Fortune Cookie Soaps from Gen [Beautiful Onyx & Mick]

i received my package from Gen (Beautiful Onyx and Mick) last week after winning her "Let's Hang on to Summer" Giveaway. i was delighted to find out i was one of two winners to her giveaway - thanks so much Gen, the soaps smell divineeeeeeee.

i also did not expect to receive a set of SIX Fortune Cookie Soaps. for some reason, i was under the impression that i was getting one soap so imagine my surprise when i found out i now have six!

before receiving the package, Gen sent me an email telling me about how the soaps may appear moist. i completely understand and actually see that some of the moisture caused the pink tissue paper to bleed onto the wrappers. still, everything is amazing! i have never tried Fortune Cookie Soaps but i have read about Gen's unboxings before and have been very intrigued by these cute soaps.

the Fortune Cookie Soap website no longer carries these summer edition soaps so i will attempt to describe the scent myself...

i received:
1) "Private Beach" - the most subtle scent of the six that is both fruity and floral

2) "Summer Sweet Tea" - sweet green tea with a hint of limes/lemons

3) "Pool Party" - a strong scent of what an "ocean" candle would smell like

4) "Beach Bunny" - slightly coconut-y... also reminds of gummy candies (it looks gummy too!)

5) "Pinky Swear" - smells strongly of jackfruit (an Asian fruit that can often be found in cans with syrup) and bananas

6) "Road Trip" - strong scent of honeysuckle flowers (did anyone else used to pluck these and pull out the bulbs - is that what they are called?-  and squeeze out the nectar?)

they are also specially marked "Not intended for Human consumption" - haha!

my favorite scents are "Summer Sweet Tea" and "Road Trip" but i love the look of "Private Beach", "Pool Party" and "Pinky Swear".
i decided to use "Beach Bunny" first. it does not lather as much as a regular soap would, but it's also because Fortune Cookie Soaps use "gunk-free" ingredients: no parabens, no synthetic preservatives, etc, etc. the fortune cookie shape actually helps to prevent the soap from slipping out of your hands. after one use, it still looks exactly the same so i am sure i will be using this soap for a while!

here's the fortune i got from "Pool Party":
LOL. i'm curious as to what the others say but i don't want to ruin the surprise just yet (however, it looks like not all of them have fortunes).

i really love these Fortune Cookie Soaps! thanks so much Gen for your generosity! :)


  1. I am a new subscriber to the Fortune Cookie Soap Box and have been loving their products so far. Aren't they the cutest soap ever?

    1. so cute! i am thinking of just keeping one for decoration hahaha

  2. I love those! So cute and would make great stocking stuffers! ((I know.. it isn't even Halloween yet and I'm talking about christmas what is wrong with me, must be the snow that Superstorm Sandy brought me last night teehheee))

    1. stocking stuffers! such a great idea :)
      but halloween is tomorrow which means christmas is really just around the corner!
      i hope you stay safe!

  3. So adorable! LOL, jackfruit all the way!!

    1. haha yay! someone knows what i'm talking about! :) i don't think i've ever had jackfruit any other way (aside from the canned version)... have you?

  4. These look very cool, 'pool party' especially because of the colours! x

    Angelica [One Little Vice]

  5. I think it was Gen who introduced me to Fortune Cookie and I ended up subscribing to their Soap Box. I love their soaps. Enjoy

    1. Gen is continually introducing me to new boxes! i seriously have no idea how they keep popping up! haha

  6. Hey Helen! Glad you love the soaps. Jack fruit! That's what that was! I couldn't figure it out. I've had jack fruit canned, dried in chip form and straight off the fruit itself. Hehe. Also winter soap box subscriptions are open if you are thinking of subbing :)

    1. haha i was so confident about detecting Jackfruit but my sister disagreed so i am glad you think so!
      i just subbed to ipsy and i don't know if i can take on anymore right now - i'll just live through you ;)
      plus these soaps seem to last for a while so yay!

  7. I LOVE the fortune cookie soaps! <3 Smell amazing and they are just so cute!!
    I was subbed but since they changed there sub program i have not re-subbed yet .. think i should.
    Steps To Perfection...With Romanianbutterfly206

    1. they are indeed too cute!
      haha i've seen your posts on FB so i understand how hard these subbing/cancelling decisions are!

  8. I always wanted to try the fortune cookie soaps! They look so cute!

    1. you should try them! they smell so good too - AND the fortunes are funny :)


  9. Very pretty and classy, love the look :)
    I follow you now ! Wanna be your friend!
    Follow me back on facebook ,twitter,and GFC and add me as a friend in GFC
    love you dear :)

    1. thank you for dropping by! i will be checking your blog out shortly :)

  10. Aww. your so lucky.. Love the Fortune Cookie


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have a fantastic day :)