
Monday, November 26, 2012

GLYMM BAG: November 2012

i got my Glymm last Tuesday but this post has been delayed since shopping all weekend can be quite tiring ;)
even though Black Friday is not a Canadian thing, many shops have decided to extend this offer to us and i decided to join the fun. i went to the mall on Friday (okay, two malls) and did some online shopping today as well! i will do a separate post on all of this soon!

as for my Glymm bag, i can't help but describe it as "alright" or "okay" every single month! i am really hoping that December brings about some very very exciting bags! cross your fingers!

November's edition (in a black snakeskin bag):

1) Lys Parisien Professionnel Moisturizing Shampoo - so shampoo, nothing new here. except you have to admit that these are generous sample sizes and i'm intrigued about the argan oil. i haven't actually used argan oil on my hair prior to receiving this but i have heard plenty of great things about it...
my first experience didn't wow me but this will definitely get used up. the shampoo itself looks like a gorgeous shiny and shimmery light gold.
size: 60 mL
retail value: $24 (500 mL)

2) Lys Parisien Professionnel Moisturizing Balm - describing a conditioner as a balm was so confusing! good thing Glymm included the product information. both the shampoo and balm smell nice but the shampoo is definitely a stronger scent. the balm is a plain light gold (no shimmers in this one!). Lys Parisien Professionnel is a Canadian company and i can't seem to find any more information on them (there is no website either - strange).
size: 60 mL
retail value: $24 (500 mL)

3) Villainess Scintillating Bar Soap - i  don't mind trying more Villainess products since their creations all sound amazing. as described, the Scintillating soap smells strongly of mint with a touch of vanilla. i like the colors in this soap!

size: N/A
retail value: $6 (99 g)

4) The New Black Nail Polish - in who knows what color since they don't name them! i'd describe it as a tomato red (orange-red). if you take a look at the Glymm shop, i think this particular color may be found in the Ombre Kit in "Rover" or the I Want Candy in "Fever".
i had no problem with the formula - it applied thinly and evenly. you could definitely get away with one coat since a second coat only makes it slightly darker. i am pretty impressed with this polish! if anyone is interested, i've seen an 8-piece collection sold at Winners for $19.99 (compared to Sephora's $35).

size: 4 mL
retail value: $15-24 (set of 3-5)

5) The Beehive Eau de Parfum in "Alice Blue" - i didn't know perfume samples could get any smaller but here it is. i got "Alice Blue" which is described as flowery, sweet and fruity at the same time. i actually really like the scent. another surprise! i tried to find out where you can actually purchase the scent (other than Glymm) and their website is practically non-existent. they have their name, phone number and email - that's it! even the page is called "Untitled Document". they should get on that soon.

size: N/A... super tiny vial
retail value: $35 (100 mL)

as i come to use the products, i'm pleasantly surprised by a few of them. even though the sample sizes were ridiculously small, i do like The New Black nail polish and The Beehive smells really good! since i had not used argan oil on my hair before, i am eager to try the shampoo and balm. as for the Villainess soap, i enjoyed their Whipped! body creme last time so it is also welcomed.
did you enjoy your Glymm bag this month? did you take advantage of any crazy sales over the weekend?


  1. Even though I'm in Australia I took advantage of Black Friday sales online - I got a palette and a blush for 20% off and free shipping, a good deal I reckon!

    1. nice! i absolutely love free shipping! where did you order it from?

  2. Wow! Nice purchases. I am too lazy to shop last friday but I was able to go to the mall but not for shopping but for other purposes. :)


    1. if i went to the mall and there was a sale on, i wouldn't be able to resist!

  3. The Villainess soap smells amazing ! I too really enjoyed their body whipped cream; I'd like to sample more products from them. Unfortunately, December is going to be my last Glymm Box because I have way too many products and it's one of the least impressive subcriptions these days... :(

    1. i feel the same about Villainess and Glymm! i don't think i'll hold onto Glymm much longer after the holidays (maybe after January) cause i have overflowing boxes of stuff to be used. my current stash will probably last me more than a lifetime haha

  4. I was a Glymm subscriber for two months and quickly realized that it wasn't a box for me., I never liked the products that they offered and I find that ever since they switched to the little makeup bag packaging, the samples have been worse (not really deluxe sample sizes) :(. I hope your December box is better!

    1. hmm yes that is true! when they first switched to the makeup bags, they actually listed the bag and its value on the product info card. they were probably counting the bag as a cost.

  5. I have never signed up for Glymm but this bad doesn't seem to bad. The hair products, soap, and nail polish all look pretty nice!

    1. this particular bag wasn't bad at all actually i was pleasantly surprised with all of the products :)

  6. It's so true that now that I don't have Glymm, I want it...I want that little Villainess soap and that little new polish even though I'm sure I already have a colour like that! I'm crazy. I'm so tempted to sign up again with their nail polish promo because I just got double promoted so now I have more money to spend on product! hahahaha!

    1. ahhh that's exactly what im going to feel like when i start cancelling next year.
      we should help each other! that nail polish promo was definitely a tempting one. Glymm has such good offers sometimes and their Glymm points is quite awesome.
      congrats on your promotion x 2!

  7. I love Villainess soaps, but I wish they had more 'normal' scents. lol

    1. hahaha but i think their unique scents is also what makes them so different and intriguing! :)


thank you for reading! i appreciate your feedback and i read them all!
have a fantastic day :)