
Tuesday, July 01, 2014

FANCY BOX: January 2014 [Coco Rocha]

summer is upon us! finallllllly! 

here's a John Legend treat (from last week's concert) - mind you, the quality is not the best because i am realizing now that my iPhone 4 is really not up to par anymore... but it is John Legend nonetheless.

he spent the night making the audience swoon with his beautiful vocals in a very intimate setting - he pretty much played piano all night. it was different from other concerts i have gone to - less energy, but amazing!

quick post here about the January Fancy box - all this talk about catching up is really not working out for me, is it? i might need to look at another method here.... perhaps skip a few months again? yikes

bear with me here! i was all caught up with Game of Thrones and Orange is the New Black - both great endings. GoT - always always exciting scenes that make your jaw drop; OITNB - season 2 ending was soooooooo satisfying that i had to re-watch it. 

what shows are you currently into?

okok back to the Fancy box.
i love opening these because the beauty subscriptions are losing its appeal but these boxes are unpredictable. 

i received the January one on the 4th of February after it was shipped on January 31st. it is delivered by FedEx so they usually leave it on the front porch. the box is wayyy to big to fit into a regular mailbox anyhow. 
the order was charged to my CC on Jan 3rd for $56.00 USD which came up to be $61.20 CAD - AHHH! ok very pricey. the shipping kills me. 

shall we see if it was worth it?

1) The Cottage Industry : Morning Mug
retail value: $15 USD

i've seen many versions of these hot & cold temperature-changing cups and now i finally have one! the 'awake' face looks better from afar but up close you can see the eyelashes and circle remaining from the 'asleep' face.
the cup changes only up to the level where your hot liquid is poured up to - so sometimes i get a streak of black along the brim since i didn't fill mine to the top. it's also a smaller size than the average mug - it only holds up to 300 mL. 
still fun though.

2) Echo Design : Sparkle Fingerless Gloves in "Denim Heather"
retail value: $35 USD

here's an obvious reason why i should open boxes in the month they are intended for. haaaaaahaaaaaaaa. the sequins are cute but i never find a need for fingerless gloves - i live in Canada remember?

these ones go up past your wrists.

3) Fred : Deep Tea Diver
retail value: $12 USD

AAAAAAAAAH so cuuuuuute. what a marvelous idea to be able to reuse this for brewing loose teas (as opposed to tea strainers).
now all i need is to become a true tea drinker and buy some loose tea.

4) Lexon : Bag Light
retail value: $12 USD

i admit that i scoffed when i saw this product. i mean, REALLY? how outrageous must a bag be to require one to throw a light in and scour its depths?
but it was only two days later do i find myself struggling to find keys in the massive bag that contains my life.

so yes, perhaps useful. perhaps.
the clasp goes around a bag handle so it doesn't also get lost. there's a button on the other end and the LED is actually quite bright.

5) Paddywax : Library Collection : Travel Tin in "Henry David Thoreau"
retail value: $10 USD

this is a very adorable tin and i love the nerdiness of it - a Library collection featuring different authors?? so cool. though i have absolutely no clue who Henry David Thoreau is. the mix of cedar, moss and juniper makes me think of a clean-smelling man. maybe that was a significant trait of Henry Thoreau's?
total value: $84.00 USD - and i paid $56.00 USD? hmmmm i wouldn't say this box was really worth it overall. the item that stands out the most to me is the Deep Tea Driver - not because it's something i would definitely have used but because it is just so adorable. the whole box contained items that are neat - yes - but not absolutely practical.

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