
Thursday, May 31, 2012

LUXE BOX: May 2012

luckily, i received my Luxe Box yesterday, just in time for me to put this up on the last day of May! strangely, i did not receive a tracking number for this either so i had no idea it was coming. what is up with that this month?
AND my dad found it on the front porch. it never arrives that way... like i said, strange!
hooray for the little bonuses from Loose Button! this month was "Thank You, Mom" Month so they included a complimentary Bath and Body Box like they did in January.

onto May's sample list:

1) Essie Nail Polish in "785 Navigate Her" - this is a very interesting green - i would describe it as a mossy green. it's not like anything i already own so i am happy to add this to my collection. this color is also part of Essie's Spring 2012 collection. i like how Loose Button includes colors that are in new collections like last month's "793 Pink-a-Boo".
note: mine has little cracks the inside of the polish. does that happen to anyone else?

oh oh oh i figured out why i like this color so much!!! i was applying it wen i noticed one of the snacks my sister brought back from her trip to Vancouver... this color reminds me of my favorite tea --> Matcha Green Tea!!! my fingernails look delicious! haha
sadly, i seem to have a bit of trouble with the formula. it won't apply evenly so i tried shaking it up a bit. now i have some little bubbles on my nails. i am wearing 2 coats (some fingers needed 3 since i could still see parts of my nail bed). 
left to right: natural light; artificial light

-- update June 7/12 -- as much as i love the color, it does not hold up very well - it honestly began chipping the day after i applied it (chipped on June 1). by June 2, my nails were quite gross. i did not use a top coat in this case since my previous Essie nail polish did not require it at all. Pink-a-Boo lasted a good week before i experienced the same kind of chipping i had with Navigate Her the day after. -- 
size: 13.5 mL (full size!)
retail value: $8

2) Orlane Active Active Hydration Body Care - another Orlane product?? they must have started hitting the Canadian markets recently because this is my third sample from them. the other two were a foundation from Loose Button and an eye cream from Topbox (both from April). again, similar packaging as the rest - it comes in a box but the sample is very tiny and there is a rather large pamphlet inside. since this particular sample is intended for the body, i would think a larger sized sample is needed. the other two were intended for the face and already the sample did not contain enough product in order to fully test it out. i didn't feel like this cream was anything special either. my hands did not feel very moisturized 5 minutes after i applied it. also, it felt like i used up like 75% of the sample when i was trying to get this picture!
size: 7 mL
retail value: $105 (250 mL) ... jeeeeeeebus. that is out of my price range! 

3) Paco Rabanne Black XS L'Exces for Her & Black XS for Him - i have received the Black XS for Him before in December's Luxe Box. i haven't tried to L'Exces for Her version but thank goodness it wasn't another normal Black XS for Her because i've received that twice from Loose Button. 
size: 1.2 mL each x 2 = 2.4 mL
retail value: for Her $74 (50 mL); for Him $56 (50 mL)

4) Goldwell Dual Senses Color Shampoo and Conditioner -  another shampoo/conditioner combo directed at colored hair and in this terrible packaging... why why why! i do not have colored hair!! i saw some people receive the Moroccan Oil and i am quite jealous :X i've wanted to try that for a while now. on the plus side, i like pomegranate (it has pomegranate extract).

-- update June 7/12 -- i loveeeee the scent. the shampoo lathers up quite well and i could get almost 3 uses out of it. however, the conditioner is a different story. i hardly feel like i have any product at all in my hair which makes me use more of it, so in the end, the conditioner portion did not last me 2 uses --
size: 10 mL each x 4 = 40 mL
retail value: shampoo $28 (750 mL); conditioner $32 (750 mL)

the complimentary Bath and Body Box contained: 

5) Gillette Venus & Olay Razor - i actually like receiving razors. especially now that it's summer time, i will be using them more often! 
size: 1 razor & 1 cartridge
retail value: $14.99 (according to but that one includes a shower hook)

6) Olay Regenerist Wrinkle Revolution Complex - received before in the January's Luxe Box. i haven't used that one yet so this one will go in the stash as well. 
size: 7 mL
retail value: $37.99 (50 mL) ... according to

the box also came with a post card you can send from P&G and a Goldwell advertisement card. there's also a $20 off a subscription promo code from Panty by Post (which was part of last month's First in Line program). i didn't choose it but the panties are pretty. still it is quite costly - with the code, it will still be $40 for 3 panties. one of the brands they carry is Blush which i've seen at The Bay and Winners. i'm pretty sure the panties were like $6.99 or something around that range at Winners. 

this box is just alright to me. i like the complimentary box and the Essie nail polish but it seems that all of these samples were just variations of some sample i have received before. as you can see from all my links above, i reference to another box quite frequently (usually from Loose Button again).
what did you receive this month? (if you are not subscribed and interested in doing so, click here!)


  1. I really like that green nail polish!

  2. What a cool Essie colour! Oh no...more shampoo samples...I still don't have my Luxe Box so I'm almost a little scared to find out what's in mine now!

    1. it seems that there is some variation in the boxes so you never know... i'll be waiting to read your post on it!

  3. I got an Essie polish with my luxebox last month (part of FIL) and I also got little bubbles...Glad to know it's not just me!!

    1. i got an Essie last month too but it was sheer and glittery. it definitely wasn't as thick as this green one so i didn't encounter any bubbles then.
      what color did you get?

    2. I can't remember the exact name but it was a lilac-purple colour.

  4. Your items are completely different from what I received, which are different than other reviews I've read.

    Love the colour of the Essie polish though!

    1. i checked out your box and it is completely different! the system at LB is so strange.. i wonder how they keep track of it all.

  5. Its amazing the amount of variation in this moths box!

    Maybe Loose Button should concentrate on gaining new partners that are high end brands and NOT P&G lol

    1. i took a look at their list of brands today and it looks so promising! wow. i don't remember seeing anyone receive Shiseido or NARS...

  6. I like that green polish on you!

  7. I received the exact same box as you... I already have the Navigate me in the mini... :( I think that this is going to be one of my last months with LuxeBox.

    - Jamie @beauty and the gamer.

    PS...add me to your battlenet! :)

    1. i just finished a 2 hour session today but i'll add you tomorrow since i have a wedding to go to tonight. (or else i would be playing tonight too!)

      ooh did you post about the collection the mini came in?


thank you for reading! i appreciate your feedback and i read them all!
have a fantastic day :)

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