
Saturday, December 08, 2012

REVIEW: Cake Beauty Milk Made Smoothing Hand and Cuticle Buffer

if you don't have time (or money) to go to the salon and get your nails did, then a great alternative is to go and buy yourself some hand scrub/buffer!

here, we have Cake Beauty's Milk Made Smoothing Hand & Cuticle Buffer. i keep wanting to type butter instead of buffer because my hands feel so buttery soft as i type this...

this was my very first Cake purchase. can you believe it??
i am going to admit something to you. i don't like the Milk Made Velveteen Hand Cream. there, i said it. i don't like the smell of it.
yes, this one is also "Milk Made" but they are made with different ingredients! the buffer has sugar, milk proteins, avocado and coconut oils. it doesn't smell delicious like i want to eat it but more like sweet and milky.

so what you do is stir it a bit using the spoon it came with and then scoop some (just a spoonful of sugar -- nah, i only used half a spoon) onto your hand. scrub scrub scrub - remember your cuticles - and then rinse and dry. suggested cream to use afterwards is the Velveteen Hand Creme... i'll use my Curel Hand & Cuticle Therapy that i recently got from Glossybox.

right after using the scrub, i found my hands to be quite greasy (i had difficulty putting the lid back on) but this greasy feeling goes away within minutes. what replaces the greasiness is pure velvety smoothness. you'd be shocked by how soft your hands could be if you have never used a hand buffer before. totally different than using a normal body scrub. it's definitely the oils in the buffer that gives your hands this super smooth feeling. i had a "before and after" picture of my hands but you can't really see a difference - but you can most definitely feel the difference.

i bought this at such a great price from Zellers since they are liquidating right now (my poor Zeddy!). they retail for $18 for 145 mL (you can buy it at Murale). i paid only $6.29 :)
Zeddy waving goodbye :(

on the other hand, since when did Zellers carry Cake?! i had no idea until that day i picked this up. and they also had Principessa and MOR. whaaaaaa?

there is also one other hand scrub i've tried and it's the True Blue Spa 60-Second Manicure Hand Scrub (Just a Minute) from Bath and Body Works. the one i used was in a different packaging than the one that is linked - the scrub was orange and it smelt citrusy. Bath and Body Works only carries the "Sugar" one now that retails for $12.
i find that they work the same so it's really up to you (almost the same size; prices and scents are different).

what do you use on your hands?


  1. I have always been curious about this product! I have never purchased anything from cake! Colour me intrigued!

    1. oooo guess i wasn't alone on that one then! :)
      this was a good first step with them haha

      and let me throw something wild out there, but what color would you think intrigued would be... ?

  2. Awww I love the smell of Milk Made products, but not as much as It's a Slice! I haven't tried that scrub, it was sold out when I ordered on their website.

    1. hmmm maybe i should try smelling that one!
      and yeah i noticed that too when i visited the Cake Beauty website!

  3. OK, now I have to do you have such fantastic luck? I swear I have *never* seen Cake at Zellers. Maybe I've just been going to the wrong ones? (ie: the NW ones)

    1. hahaha Erin! it's all about the east! well, i'm just saying that since i'm usually around the NE and SE.
      the sunridge one is the last Zellers standing in Calgary so you should go check it out! i remember seeing Principessa when i was there a few days ago but forgot to check out Cake!

  4. Awesome - I have the milk made but not this - I thought for some reason it was almost the same thing - but it's completely different! It's a Slice is also my fave scent, same as CrystalCandy.

    1. hmmm i'll definitely have to give that one a whiff since it seems to be highly recommended :)

  5. This sounds nice :) I mainly only use hand cream!

    1. yeah me too! this is the first hand scrub i've ever bought. maybe i'll start using it more often now that i have one haha

  6. hi stimbled upon ur blogs from one of d blogs im reading. is it ok if we follow eachother?

  7. I'm so ashamed that I bought this last year and it's still unopened...I think I need to try it now! Your zellers has good stuff! Holy!

    1. hahaha don't worry jayne i have a box full of unopened stuff!!
      do you still have Zellers? i know that they are closing stores across the country...


thank you for reading! i appreciate your feedback and i read them all!
have a fantastic day :)