
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

TOPBOX: March 2013 [regular]

it's just my luck, it happens all the time.
does it have to be this way for me?

hell yeah, cause it's just my luck.

anyone else remember the Canadian group V.I.P.? lol i think they came out with 2 songs in the 90s. i love 90s music!!

but you know what i don't love?
this month's Topbox.

my spirits were dampened when Topbox emailed me after my box has shipped that one of the items i was supposed to get (Chloe perfume) was replaced with a "VWL" - which someone else pointed out could only be Vera Wang, another perfume sample.
i went with a regular box after given the choices of an Aveda, Pure+simple, Lippy Girl and Jurlique (upgrade) Topbox. i wasn't really excited about these options and figured that since last month's regular box was such a hit - Deborah Lippmann, MUFE...

but of course, this month's regular box was nowhere near as awesome.
1) Aveda Caribbean Therapy Body Creme - i already heard complaints about the scent of this before even receiving the box. it sounds like it would smell good - Caribbean mango, cocoa butter and warm island aromas. my sister says it smells like a pile of dying leaves mixed with some bug spray.
the creme says that was 'people-tested'... i wonder if these people had noses.

it does work in terms of moisturization but i'd probably apply it at night and on my legs so that it is furthest from my nose. haha ok it is really NOT that bad. but it isn't something i'd slather on.
size: 25 mL
retail value: $42 (200 mL)

2) L'Oréal Professionnel Mythic Oil - i actually have a full size of this... waiting patiently for me to crack open since Christmas. there was so much talk about this product online that once i found it on sale, i had to have it. so i really have no idea why i haven't used it yet! it feels great on my ends - it makes my hair smoother and less frizzy - and smells great at the same time!

check out Topbox's Mythic Oil giveaway here :)
size: N/A but 2 vials
retail value: $26 (125 mL)

3) MaskerAide Hydrating Facial Sheet Mask in "I Don't Wanna Grow Up" - another MaskerAide mask! but it is different from the other two i have received from Topbox and BB5. the name of it is exactly what i feel. i have my first "big girl" job now which is going great but there's all these other responsibilities and demands. oh shucks.
size: 1 mask @ 23 g (full size!)
retail value: $4.99

4) Vera Wang Lovestruck Floral Rush - i received Vera Wang Lovestruck exactly one year ago in the exact same size from LB. this March, i got the Floral Rush version which is a stronger scent than the other. the Lovestruck Floral Rush one also smells like fresh, fragrant flowers and has a younger feel while Lovestruck is softer and less-in-your-face. i personally prefer the Lovestruck one; what about you?
size: 4 mL
retail value: $79 (50 mL); $105 (100 mL)

- - - - -

so that's that for March's Topbox! i don't know if i prefer the surprise of a regular Topbox or knowing exactly what i am getting in a branded Topbox... agh! guess we will have to see for April. sneak peeks have already been released!
what kind of risk-taker are you?


  1. Oh ho ho, I love how you unrolled the topbox wrapping and used it as the background!

    1. why thank you jasmine! i would like to say that it was my genius idea, but it was really because Topbox didn't glue it well enough and the wrapping just fell off hahaha

  2. I feel like Aveda products all smell the same, but with a tiny different accent... In this case the "caribbean" perfume is overwhelmed by the plant one; I really laughed when I read how your sister described it!! lol I only like such perfumes when I want to relax, but I wouldn't wear it everyday.

    I picked the regular box too because the privé ones didn't appeal to me...

    1. hahaha that is interesting.
      i picked regular again! i really hope it's better next month :)

  3. I just got off the waitlist today after a month and a half, excited to give Topbox a try :)

    1. hooray Judith! i hope you have a good experience :) which box did you end up picking?

    2. I went with the Regular box for the surprise and I didn't see myself needing all the products in the AVEDA box.

    3. sweet! i hope it's a better one this month :)

  4. I really liked this month's regular box. I guess I'm a tried and true risk taker! lol

  5. new follower here hehe
    and omg I got the same box.. kind of. But I got the marc jacobs perfume one :P
    new blogger <3

    1. hi kasey! the marc jacobs one looks so cute! i love the bag it came with! :) and welcome to blogging!

  6. Oh man - I remember VIP! As soon as I saw the words, I started humming that song! That looks like a fun Maskeraid mask too!

    1. haha YAYY
      i am glad someone knows what i am talking about :)

  7. OMG, I started singing the song right away! Sigh, good ol boybands!
    I Don't Wanna Grow Up is super hydrating! I enjoyed it, but not the smell too much.

    1. LOL boybands oh yeeeeeyy - quick Jayne, BSB or Nsync??


thank you for reading! i appreciate your feedback and i read them all!
have a fantastic day :)