
Monday, May 14, 2012

REVIEW: Mink Eyelash Extensions - Week 4 & 5 // Summary

oops - this was super delayed by a few weeks. i completely forgot to do a final post on my experience with mink eyelash extensions.
interested in week 1? week 2? what about week 3?

i have two sets of lame pictures for you to see since these were taken near the final days of my eyelash extensions' life cycle.

on day 25, i have one eyelash just chilling on my left eye. and my right eye still has some but they are wonky and prefer to point in all directions.
the next day, i decide enough was enough and it was all in for the mascara. i needed to make my eyelashes look normal ASAP.
this worked on day 27 for my left eye! whoo hoo! one eye to go.
day 28 - about 3 left. so close! i can't even say for sure the actual day i finally lost all the extensions because i just started using mascara a lot and lost track, but i'd say these eyelash extensions lasted about 30 days.

counting eyelashes lost:
Day 26 (April 18) - lost 1 in the afternoon
Day 27 (April 19) - lost 1 at night ... left eye is now bare!
Day 28 (April 20) - lost 1 in the morning
Day 29 (April 21) - lost 1 in the morning (intentional because it was just hanging there since yesterday and i had to lose a real eyelash because of this as well... boooo)

the last eyelash fell out around the 30th day, but i wouldn't say this is necessarily a good thing since i lost the majority in my second week.
i had a voucher for these extensions ($50 for a full set of mink eyelashes) and including tip and taxes, it came to about $80 (i also wasn't sure how much you'd normally tip for this service). even though it was much cheaper than regular price, i feel that i would not make another similar purchase in the near future.
i found the hassle of maintaining the extensions as well as the odd behavior of the extensions (curling in the opposite direction, being stuck to the middle of my eyelash rather than the root) was not worth the price. i also did not enjoy the uneven look of my lashes as they began to fall out - the extensions on my left eye fell out at a much more rapid rate than my right. not to mention, there was the initial pain of sleeping with the eyelash extensions as well as if you accidentally push down against them (i.e. pushing my glasses up my nose).
i must admit though, i loved the way my eyelashes looked in the first week - very dark, full long AND curled. but this only lasts for so long before all the other problems come into play.
i feel that i am much more comfortable just wearing mascara or if i really wanted to put in the extra effort, i'd apply some fake eyelashes.

so here's a quick photo recap:

i hope you have enjoyed reading about my experience with them. let me know if you had had them too and if you had any tips. thanks :)


  1. mmmmmm... i'd have to say no. they are way too pricey and just a hassle after the first week. i'd rather look into other options or try the blinc mascara i've been hearing so much about.

  2. I had the lashes done last month and as the shop recommended they did them 6 days before I went away. They looked so great the 1st 3 days then it all went down hill. I was very careful not to sleep on my side and washed very carefully. They went sideways, up, down, all over the place and they were a pain to watch fall off one after the other. They said they would last 6-8 weeks but would need some maintaining in a couple of weeks. Not true, they needed maintaining by the 3rd and 4th day.
    Looked great at first and I thought it was worth it, but definately found out sooner than later that they are not worth doing.

    1. i am sad to hear that it didn't work well for you either. the first few days were really great though hey! how long did it take for them to apply the lashes? i've talked to a friend about their experience and they spent 2+ hours on hers while the lady was done mine within the hour. hers lasted much longer and were less of a hassle. perhaps this was also a factor in your experience?

  3. I enjoyed readingt this. I have just had mine put in 2 days ago. I will wait and compare the effects. My cost $400 and $100 for redo's in two weeks. Took 2.5 hrs to put in, she was very detailed about it and use to be a hair transplant nurse for 15 yrs. So I felt comfortable paying that amount for someone with that type of experience. In Thailand they charge $50 and it takes an hour, but that is not mink its synthetic.

    1. ooh wow! it sounds like there was definitely more effort put into yours! let me know about your experience down the road. i am guessing that you will have less problems and they will last longer since she probably glued them on properly.
      thanks for reading :)

  4. Your lashes were really beautiful the first few days! They were so long and full and natural-looking! I suggest that you do further research about eyelash extensions if you’re planning to get some again in the future. I’ve read somewhere before that there are lashes that can last up to months. You’ll totally get your money’s worth for that! And no time-consuming mascara for a while! Hurrah!

    1. thanks for your comment Renae!
      monthS? that sounds really amazing! are you planning to get eyelash extensions soon? i love how you don't need to wear mascara when you have such long thick lashes - or any eye makeup really!

  5. I recently got eyelash extensions and I am at week 3 now. Mine are still pretty full, obviously not at full as the first day I got them. Ever day we lose up to 1-5 natural lashes, so I'm losing my extensions naturally and progressively. I have synthetic lashes on my eyes and not minks though, real minks are more expensive, they look soft but the down fall is that they don't hold their curl. The extensions should be attached to your mature lashes, the twisting happens when the lashes are attached at mid-growth, as the natural lash grows out it may cause the extension to twist. But if you go in for refills the tech would have removed the twisted wonky looking ones and filled you up!

    1. oooooh thanks for all the useful information!
      i had no idea that mink eyelashes don't hold their curl! i found that to be a major issue with mine so i think i will just try non-mink ones next time.

      good to know about the refills too - those twisted ones were really bugging me :)

  6. Thanks for the review on eyelash extensions! I found it super helpful! I've been humming and hawing about getting them and was worried about my Asian poker straight eyelashes too. Great blog and really appreciate the week-to-week updates and pics! You helped me make my decision!


thank you for reading! i appreciate your feedback and i read them all!
have a fantastic day :)

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